The choice is yours. Who should introduce programming to you?
Introductory programming decides the trajectory of many Engineering students’ careers and in a way, their life. Because the first impressions carry very long. Many people just start fearing programming for life because of the wrong way it was introduced to them. And many lose interest in programming because of the way it is presented. This is reality.
The current introductory curriculum does not excite students into coding. And no college is emphasizing this aspect.
When a mechanical engineer loses interest in engine mechanics, you know what he will do. The same goes for a computer science student when he loses interest in programming.
The courses available today all are oriented towards giving a slice of the total experience. Just like the story we heard in school.
We will not stop after the introductory program. We will take to a state where he could independently create software and use technologies, which are yet to be born.
We provide the total experience of software development, starting from the introductory. Including internships and placing in companies.
Because companies love students trained under the second person, but not under the typical first-person.
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